12 Quick & Simple Time Saving Makeup Hacks For Using Makeup During Busy Mornings

12 Quick & Simple Time Saving Makeup Hacks For Using Makeup During Busy Mornings

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Mornings: Good for some, rushed for most — everyday chores, errands, breakfast, and lastly, squeezing in those precious 5 minutes for a quick morning makeup routine. Making time for an elaborate makeup routine can seem oh-so tedious, but there are always handy time-saving makeup hacks that can come to your rescue! 

So whether you’re running late for work, or you’ve got just 10 minutes before you have to jump on a work call; if you’re a stay at home mom running late for errands, or you’re a working mom trying to juggle your chores & more, these tried & tested minimalist makeup tips will save your quick morning makeup routine

From opting for multi-tasking makeup products to adding a splash of colour to your routine; here are 12 quick & simple time-saving makeup hacks that will have you looking put-together in no time! 

  1. Add multi-tasking makeup products to your kit: The biggest time saving makeup hack is resorting to one-and-done makeup products — think blushes that could double up as lip tints, a moisturiser or base products with SPF, and the like. These will not only help you reduce the number of products in your kit but also help you streamline your routine. 
  2. Make primer a priority: However late you’re running, there’s always time for primer. Choosing the right primer for your skin type can go a long way in helping keep your makeup in place for long hours. With the right primer, you can also ace that natural-looking makeup that sits perfectly on your face. 
  3. Less is more: This mantra will literally make your quick morning makeup routine a breeze! A little goes a long way when it comes to makeup. The key to acing it is in choosing multi-tasking makeup products and sticking to a natural no-makeup makeup look as much as possible (especially during these hot summer days!)
  4. Focus on one feature of your face: To make your quick morning makeup routine simpler, focus on one part of your face. If you’re a girl who loves a playful pout, then stick to playing with different lip colours, or if you’re quick with your eye makeup then play it up with mascara, kajal, or even eyeshadows to fit the mood of the day. 

Pro tip: For days when you’re running short of time, stick to a pretty lip colour to match your outfit. Another option is reaching out for a lip and cheek tint to add a subtle touch of colour to your cheeks and pout. 

  1. Choose a colour scheme: This minimalist makeup tip is a must to follow for your 5 minute makeup for work or even your work from home makeup routine. Sticking to one colour scheme or even one colour will help streamline your makeup routine to a great extent. Whether it’s a neutral look or one with shades of pinks, pick a colour and work with it! 
  2. Make concealer the hero: A good concealer that works to cover redness, blemishes, dark spots & pigmentation is a must-have in your quick morning makeup routine. Dot & dab your concealer on parts of the face that have visible discolouration. If you want to elevate your base makeup, we recommend investing in a BB cream that offers sheer coverage. Although for a work from home makeup routine, a good concealer will suffice. 
  3. Cream products for the win: Nothing blends quicker and easier than cream products for your face. A quick morning makeup routine saviour, whether it's a blush or an eyeshadow, a cream-based product not only blends like a dream, but also helps you achieve that dewy, glowy look you love! 
  4. No tools needed: The ultimate time saving makeup hack is ditching your tools, and using your fingers to blend out your products. You don’t need any tools to blend out your cream products, you can simply use your fingers. The warmth of your hands will help blend out the product quicker & more evenly. You can even use your hands to gently pat & blend your base products like BB creams & concealers. This will help you achieve a flawless base too. 
  5. Blending is your best friend: The better your makeup is blended, the neater it will look; free of harsh lines and creases. You can use a makeup sponge or stick to using your fingers to blend out your makeup. We recommend using a microfiber makeup sponge for when you’re using foundations to get a seamless finish. 
  6. Focus on your brows: Well made eyebrows are the lesser known heroes of any makeup look. Grab your eyebrow gel to keep your eyebrows in place, and follow it up with an eyebrow pencil to fill them out. This will help give your eyebrows, and your face in general, a more defined look. 
  7. Nothing like fluttery lashes: Your work from home makeup routine would be incomplete without the introduction of mascara. A coat or two of mascara will literally help you look wide awake & fresh enough to take on the day, even if you’re running on just 4 hours of sleep! 

Pro tip: If you have a minute on hand, we recommend taking that to curl your lashes to elevate your eye look. Because who doesn’t love fluttery, curled lashes, right? 

  1. Fix and set: No makeup routine is ever complete without a trusty translucent setting powder or a setting spray. A time saving makeup hack is to stick to a translucent setting powder; all you need to do is dab it over your makeup to keep unnecessary shine at bay & keep your look in place. If you’re using a setting spray, allow it time to dry before you touch your face or move things around. 

These 12 time-saving makeup hacks may sound more time consuming, but with practice over time, you’ll be a pro in winning every 10 minute makeup challenge there is. And now that you have all the time-saving makeup hacks penned down, here are a few product recommendations to add to your stash from Simply Nam. 

The Ultimate Checklist for Multi-tasking Makeup Products

Add a pop of colour:

Simply Nam Velvet Cream Magic Blush: Use it as a blush or a lip tint, either way it’s going to help you slay the day! 

Simply Nam Colour Enhancing Magic Tint: The newest one-and-done makeup product addition, use this on your lips for a plump pout and add a little on your cheeks for a dewy look. 

Enhance your eyes:

Simply Nam The Ultimate Kajal: Pigmented & built to do more than just line your waterline, this kajal can help you create even the most glamorous eye look in minutes. 

Simply Nam Clean Lashes Mascara:The best mascara with a unique applicator, made to give you perfect fluttery lashes in just one swipe. 

Get the perfect pout:

Simply Nam Hydrating Lip Butter: Buttery, velvety feel with full coverage, these lip butters are all you need for a gorgeous, plump pout. 

Simply Nam Ultra Matte Liquid Lipstick: Feels creamy, looks matte, these lipsticks will not budge, smudge, or transfer for long hours. 

Blend like a dream: 

Simply Nam Velvet Microfiber Makeup Sponge: More blending, less product absorption, this makeup sponge will help you get that airbrushed look. 

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