How To Apply Highlighter Like A Pro: A Step-By-Step Guide

How To Apply Highlighter Like A Pro: A Step-By-Step Guide

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Don’t we all love that lit-from-within glow — a subtle hint of shine on the cheekbones, nose, and browbones may not seem like much, but the right highlighter placement on the face looks like the icing on the cake for your makeup. A highlighter is like your little glow-up kit that you can carry anywhere. 

Brighten up a dull look, or give your face a lifted appearance once you ace the natural highlighter application trick. To help you achieve that radiant, lifted glow there are a few steps to follow to apply highlighter like a pro. Whether you’re going to a party or heading to work, you’ll be ready to slay the day in just a few steps. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to apply highlighter like a pro

Step 1: Prep 

To keep your look in place throughout the day, and create a smooth base for your makeup, start with a primer. To add a bit of radiance from the very first step, opt for an illuminating primer. For the summer months, we recommend using a mattifying primer or one with SPF benefits on a clean, moisturised face. 

Step 2: Base 

For an even-toned complexion, go in with a full-coverage foundation or a BB cream for a more natural look. To add some glow to your base makeup, add a drop or two of liquid highlighter to your foundation or BB cream before you dot it on your face. Follow that up with a concealer & blend it all in using a makeup sponge. 

Step 3: Blush 

Whether you’re going to work, meeting up with friends for a coffee, or hitting the club, a little touch of blush goes a long way in elevating your look. Dab some blush on your cheeks and blend it out toward the ears for a lifted look. For a dewy look, opt for a cream blush, and for a matte one, reach out for a powder blush. 

Step 4: Highlighter 

Now for the real deal — the first rule of natural highlighter application is to keep it looking natural! To apply highlighter like a pro, first start by choosing the right formulation for your skin; a creamy highlighter works well for dry skin, while a powder one works well for oily skin. For the perfect highlighter placement on the face, stick to the high points of your face like the cheekbones, brow bone, and bridge of the nose. To elevate the look further, dab some on the inner corners of the eyes, and the cupid’s bow. To take your highlighter game a notch higher, apply a little on your collarbones (believe us, it will make you look like a glowing goddess!)

For a natural highlighter application apply in a C shape starting from your temples down to your cheekbones. 

Step 5: Set 

The final step is to lock it all in with a setting spray. A few spritzes of your setting spray are all you need to keep your makeup in place for the whole day. To cut out the extra shine from excess oil, touch up your makeup using a translucent setting powder. 

Watch Esha Ibrampurkar create the perfect Galentine’s Date look with the Simply Nam Cosmic Glow Highlighter & more right here

The next thing to know on how to apply highlighter like a pro are the 5 perfect highlighter placements on the face

  • Cheekbones: The most noticeable high point of your face, elevate your cheekbones with just the right amount of highlighter. How to highlight cheekbones, you ask? Blend the product upward in a C shape from your cheekbones to your temples for a lifted appearance. We recommend using a fan brush if you’re using a powder product. If you’re using a cream or liquid one, use your fingers to blend in a dot of highlighter on each cheekbone. Add more to the mix later if required. 
  • Browbones: Another common spot for highlighter placement on the face, apply your highlighter just below the eyebrows to make your eyes pop. It also helps give your eyebrows a more lifted look. Use a small amount of highlighter, as you will be  area, and keep a light hand when applying the product. 
  • Cupid’s Bow: Dab a little highlighter on the cupid’s bow, i.e., at the centre of your top lip. For a natural highlighter application, take whatever is left on your finger or your fan brush and dab it over your cupid’s bow to avoid overdoing it. This helps make your lips look more plump & defined. 
  • Bridge of the Nose: If you don’t want your nose to look extra shiny, then remember to keep it subtle & a light hand when applying highlighter on the bridge of the nose. Gently dab some product across the length of your nose to get a subtle glowy look. Applying a highlighter across the bridge of your nose can also make it look slimmer. 
  • Inner Corners of the Eyes: Want to fake having bigger, brighter, wide-open eyes? Then a highlighter will do the trick for you. Take some product on the tip of your finger and gently dab it on the inner corners of the eyes. This will help brighten up an otherwise dark under-eye area. 

Only knowing how to apply highlighter like a pro isn’t enough, unless you choose the right formulation & colours according to your skin type & tone. Here are 4 basics to understand what to choose, and how to choose one. 

  • If you have oily or combination skin, opt for a powder highlighter. A powder product will help cut out any unnecessary shine that can build over time on oily or combination skin. Use a fan brush to apply a powder highlighter. 
  • If you have normal to dry skin, go for a cream or liquid highlighter. For all the skinned girls out there, if you want to create a dewy look, a cream or liquid highlighter is your best friend! Use a makeup sponge to blend this type of highlighter or simply use your fingers to get the job done. 
  • If you’re fair-skinned, opt for pink, pearlescent, champagne hues for your highlighter. These will help brighten your skin tone & help add a natural-looking glow. 
  • If you’re a dark-skinned beauty then the best highlighter for dark skin tones are rose and bronze shades. Shades of gold & copper also bring out the best out of dark skin tones. 

From knowing how to apply highlighter like a pro to picking the right formulation & shade for your skin tone & type, this article’s got it covered for you. Now all that’s left is for you to slay the day like the glowing goddess that you are! 

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